The Church at Piedmont Mill

Mill Kids

But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”
– Luke 18:16 (ESV)

At Piedmont Mill we believe in family, and how we disciple and love our children is as important as anything we do as a church. Each week your children will be guided through a lesson that matches the sermon that is being preached. We do this because we want families to be able to talk with each other about what they learned at church on Sunday. Discipleship begins in the home, and this is just one way to begin that process with your family.

Children ages 0-5th grade are welcome to attend Mill Kids every week. If you would like to see a copy of our policies, please click on the link below to view how we plan to love and care for your children.


Once a month we offer a Family Sunday. During this time, our services are tailored so that the whole family can worship together. This is a fun and important time as children and parents can worship the Lord together through song, God’s Word, and Communion. On Family Sundays, Mill Kids will only have a classroom available for 0-4 year old children.